Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cyclamen (try #1)

I drew the outline of a blue agate tea pot with cyclamen on plastic yupo paper. Then I painted watercolors on the paper and let it dry overnight. The colors spread on their own and made interesting patterns. I took a paint brush and removed the paint around the objects. These shapes are called Negative Shapes. It was fun to watch as the picture appeared out of the patterned paint but I'll probably try it again by washing off the colors and redoing it. This one got a little wild and might be hard to decipher the subject. Notice how the Cadmium yellow pushed the other colors around - this color does not play well with others.

I covered a piece of illustration board with gesso and let it dry. I took a thick sharpie (this means I'm feeling bold) and drew a photo of tulips. This is after the first application of paint dried. I sometimes like the affect of partially painted drawings. I'll add some darks and see what happens.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

I try to put some paint on paper at least once a day after reading: 'doing SOMETHING is better than NOTHING' in "Show Your Work" by Austin Kleon.
(Painting on Right) I put these colors on an illustration board covered with white gesso. I will chalk this up to practice and wash it off and try again. Sometimes you learn how NOT to do something when you try. I look  for at least one area that I like instead of seeing everything I don't like.
This painting (left) is done on plastic yupo paper. The purples around the tulips is used as a complimentary color and makes the yellows brighter. The purples were thicker paint which stays put better on wet paper. I'll wash this one off and start anew.